Mindful Self-Compassion – Winter 2025 Session 

Please note that the MSC program may be offered in person or online via Zoom Health.

The MSC program runs for 8 weeks.

If you would like to add your name to our contact list, please email our office at  info@heidiwalk.com.  Please include your telephone number, if you have a preference between in person or online formats and when you completed the MBSR program with Dr. Walk.   If you did not complete the MBSR program with Dr. Walk, please provide details about MBSR program you have completed.  You will be asked to do an intake interview with Dr. Walk to ensure that this program is suitable for your needs.

Please note that this is a psycho-therapeutic program designed to help manage medical and/or psychological symptoms of stress, anxiety and related disorders.   This is not a general interest course.

If you have been referred please fill out the form below.

Referral Form 2022


Please contact info@heidiwalk.com for more information and to add your name to the

Winter 2025 Mindful Self-Compassion contact list.